• Vision

    To be the contractor of choice for clients and employees while completing all projects with the highest level of safety and quality in the construction industry.

    Our vision addresses two questions about our operations:

    • How? Committing to the highest level of safety and operational excellence.
    • What? Creating value for our customers, investors, and employees.
  • Mission

    Our Mission at Mecton Troy is to be the market leader and preferred contractor for the areas that we are specialized. We implement our mission by maintaining the highest safety standards, delivering projects on time, and being competent.

  • Values

    Our values act as a compass at the core of our culture and are the documented standards and principles that are central to how things are done.

    • Safety – Zero accidents through best practices
    • Quality – Continuous measurements and improvement
    • Integrity – Ethical, honest and consistent.
    • Success – Client and employee satisfaction, shareholder value